Queens Boro President hosts 2025 Holi (Phagwah) Celebration
March 13, 2025
Phagwa celebrates the defeat of dictatorship and tyranny
March 21, 2025
(IN THE SHIFTING SANDS OF TIME) **HONOURING OUR ANCESTORS' LEGACIES** By Cliff Rajkumar In the vanishing footprints of our ancestors' defining legacies, we proudly stand in honour of their indomitable ...
The Prime Minister of India, the dynamic and seemingly indefatigable Shree Narendra Modi Ji, arrived at the Marriott Hotel in Georgetown, Guyana, after midnight today from his gruelling G20 summit ...
Dear Editor, India's Prime Minister Modi Ji's visit to Guyana is a very defining moment for the Indian diaspora and the people of Guyana. Modi Ji has become one of ...
Dear Editor, Indeed! Swami Purnananda remains iconic in serving the cause of Hindu Dharma and culture in Guyana. He was a towering figure in facilitating education and progressive, harmonious values ...
Here we are, scratching our heads. Incomprehensible, or so it seems. A duty in honour of our ancestors neglected. Our civilizational identity endangered. Caught in the web of political ingratitude. ...
I feel that Sanathan Dharma offers one of the most balanced and uplifting approaches to seeing and embracing life with all its glorious multifaceted dimensions. As Hindus, we see divinity ...
Dear Editor, As Hindus, we have a long history of being centred on our immediate families and being dismissive of the total community. It is a cultural factor because we ...
Sanathan Dharma provides an experiential framework for a deeper understanding of our true self, our relationship with the cosmos, and the all-pervading divinity that lies at the core of our ...
I can still recall the excitement and exhilaration of the village folks—especially the kids—when the temples overflowed with people, like one big extended family, to celebrate our ancient festivals. Sadly, ...
Dear Editor, Historically, the Mandirs have traditionally been the nucleus of the Hindu communities and the principal edifices for the cohesion, preservation, and continuity of Hindu Dharmic traditions. However, the ...