Queens Boro President hosts 2025 Holi (Phagwah) Celebration
March 13, 2025
Phagwa celebrates the defeat of dictatorship and tyranny
March 21, 2025
Dear Editor, Interracial marriages and interfaith marriages are and will be a continuous point of contention among Indians in Trinidad, Guyana and Surinam. When Indians historically refuse to marry within ...
Indentured Indians want a Homeland not Reparations. Indentureship has all the characteristic of Slavery with all the degradation for years of work. The Indentured Man/ Woman worked under harsh dirty ...
Many episodes have played out over the Lord Ram Mandir in Ayodhya over the last 500 years. The Islamic Mughal Dynasty under their founder Babar decimated the Ram Mandir that ...
Is the PPP now seeking forgiveness for they knew not Communism was wrong? Is it only now that the PPP has been able to realize that they were chasing after ...
Dear Editor, For the last 186 years out of Bharat / India, Indians have contributed to the economic and cultural development that has given rise to economic and cultural civilisations ...
As a diaspora Indian Hindu growing up in Trinidad my Indianness is defined by the social constructs that cultivate my mind and shape my Atma I feel reenergized for the ...
Dear Editor, Dr David Hinds writes a glowing tribute to his guru Mr Eusi Kwayana in the KN of 4-6-24 on his 99th birthday. Belated congratulations to the Buxton sage ...
Numerous articles written on Phagwa / Holi focus mainly on the Vedic rationale of Phagwa: Truth over unrighteousness. While it’s the “Festival of Colors,” Phagwa has its origins rooted in ...
HAMILTON GREEN / RIGGING ELECTIONS. Hamilton Green is NOT wrong in encouraging Africans to rig elections since this is an integral part of Black Culture in Guyana. Rigging elections by ...
The rise of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is significant not only to India but Indians globally of the various diaspora including the West Indies. P.M. Modi election was not simply ...