Dear Editor,
India has extended her Mamta to many, the ones whom the rest of the World rejected or ignored. Like many Ma, She had/has to suffer the burden of INGRATES/NAMAKHARAM/GADDARS!! For there in none more despicable that the child who joins side with the ones who once raped and pillage its own Mother. Indians are celebrating the freedom of their Mother from the clutches of Rakshasa. These demons came and captured our Motherland. Prior to that, it was the demonic Muslims. Ma survived just barely and was still made to suffer under the rule of children who were bought and paid for by the very Rakshasas who once held her captive.
Then under a true son She now prospers and stands Proud to the rest of the World. Alas, there are some sons and daughters who have taken the avatara of the demons who once ravaged and enslaved her. When will Bharat Mata truly be Free?

Yours truly,