Dear Editor,
There is no one more hated in the UNC than me, and there is no one in the UNC who hates me more than Kamla Persad Bissessar. For someone as immensely intelligent and hardworking as myself to be continuously overlooked and ignored when it comes to high-ranking positions in the UNC is an absolute travesty and the largest contributing reason for their previous results in the polls. Truly, there is no one more deserving of a position of authority and power than myself and the fact that I have been rejected on so many occasions dictates that I must now turn all of my power and attention to ensuring that the party remains in Opposition. Because there is no greater revenge that I can exact for my perceived slights, than punishing the hundreds of thousands of people in this country who desperately cling to the hope that the UNC will enter government, just so that they might get access to the most basic of human needs. To hell with all of them if I don’t get a safe seat.
Politics attracts both the ambitious and the petty, and really, I don’t know that one can flirt with ambition bereft of the envy it takes to covet the better things in life. As such, while I was being mostly facetious in the sarcasm of the opening paragraph, I can’t deny that some of the less pervasive thoughts do enter my mind from time to time. Do I think I can do a better job than those currently in office? Of course, but so does everyone else who files a nomination in an election, for that is the ultimate question being asked of the electorate. Because as much as I think highly of my own abilities, it is up to the voters to decide whether or not they believe in me as well.
This is why the recent waves of attacks from forces of political factions out of the UNC ring hollow because while they may carry the envy and ambition of all politicians, they lack the validation of the masses. After the United Patriots lost the internal election of the UNC, and after the National Transformation Alliance failed to capture a single district in the last local government election, you would expect that all of these politicians would take the time to reevaluate their strategies and choices to see where they went wrong. But instead, both of these forces have focussed their bitterness of defeat towards the UNC and Kamla Persad Bissessar in an attempt to make her the scapegoat for their own failings.
It is really difficult to understand the attacks on both of these forces towards Kamla when it was her decision for the UNC to enter into an alliance with the NTA for the local election and it is because of her that all five dissident UNC members are sitting in Parliament today. So my question to all of them would be, at what point exactly did she start making the bad decisions that they are currently complaining about? It was only after Kamla Persad Bissessar gave all of these politicians the opportunities that they desired did the respective electorates turn against them, so it is the height of arrogance that they chose to blame Kamla for their failures rather than themselves.
It is only through the support and advice of the UNC and its leader, Mrs. Kamla Persad Bissessar that I have been able to achieve the legal victories against the government and protect the Rights and Freedoms of our citizens. As such, despite my personal ambition to serve in a Parliamentary capacity, I find myself with more rich opportunities better suited to my abilities. The truth of the matter is that as much as Kamla might be a Political Leader, I would describe her function as more of a headmistress with a thousand screaming children all trying to get her attention. But as all great leaders understand, her mandate cannot come from a few individual voices, but rather from the masses, and that has been her driving force throughout her career. As such, when persons who have been rejected by the public complain about being ignored by the political leader of the largest party in the country, well, the answer is really very obvious.
Best regards,
Ravi Balgobin Maharaj
Mob: +1 868 476-6181
Skype: ravibmaharaj